Sagt av Holmes (VS Kidman) /L
Det är rätt kul att vara den söta, den lilla. Faktiskt, så finner jag det svårt att växa ur det.
Jag tittade på porrfilm en gång, det var riktigt roligt.
I'm definitely a messy person... I know where everything is but I just can't organize. I don't make lists and find scripts on the laundry machine, and under my bed, or in the bathroom, kitchen. It's bad, I really need to take control.
Katie Holmes
Nu kan jag bära klackar. (Om skilsmässan med Tom Cruise)
I believe that as much as you take, you have to give back. It's important not to focus on yourself too much.
Having gone through all of this, I feel in some ways calmer now. It's strange, but sad. I think I'll always be sad.
What's the point of doing something good if nobody's watching.
I wouldn't want to be married to me, but luckily he (Tom Cruise) does.
Jag tittade på porrfilm en gång, det var riktigt roligt.
I'm definitely a messy person... I know where everything is but I just can't organize. I don't make lists and find scripts on the laundry machine, and under my bed, or in the bathroom, kitchen. It's bad, I really need to take control.
Katie Holmes
Nu kan jag bära klackar. (Om skilsmässan med Tom Cruise)
I believe that as much as you take, you have to give back. It's important not to focus on yourself too much.
Having gone through all of this, I feel in some ways calmer now. It's strange, but sad. I think I'll always be sad.
What's the point of doing something good if nobody's watching.
I wouldn't want to be married to me, but luckily he (Tom Cruise) does.
Nicole Kidman
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